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Corona-help > At home with small children


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Explanatory video about the area home with small children

Questions and answers

Show your child the situation with figures or drawings. Explain to your child what happens when each infected person infects two more. Soon there will be hardly any cuddly toys left. Or the sheet is filled with drawings. This makes it tangible for your child.

Depending on the age of your child, keeping him or her occupied at home can be a particular challenge. Timetables and creative ideas for keeping the child occupied are helpful here. We have helpful tips for this here.



Free personalised colouring book for children

A coloring book is always a good occupation for and with children. Here hurra-helden offers a personalized coloring book for your children, just fill in your name and mail address and then you get the book as PDF for printing.

📥 Open Document

Hurrahelden - https://www.hurrahelden.de

Corona: Tips for parents

Helpful tips for dealing with the topic of corona in connection with children.

📥 Open Document

Federal Ministry of Health - https://www.bundesgesundheitsministerium.de/

Helpful Links

ZDF Logo - Coronavirus

For children of many ages you will find here all information and helpful links about Corona and children.

To the webiste ▶

WDR broadcast with the mouse - Coronavirus

Everything about Corona explained by the mouse - something for the very small ones.

To the webiste ▶

BR - Coronavirus explained to children

Auf dieser Seite finden Sie Hilfe wie man Kindern erklärt warum jetzt zu Hause geblieben werden muss.

To the webiste ▶

Focus - Explanation video for children

A video that explains the Corona virus and how to deal with it in a simple and child-oriented way.

To the webiste ▶

Tips for Corona explanations

The current situation is not easy for anyone. Here you will find tips on how to talk to your children about the topic.

To the webiste ▶

Financial support for families

Here parents can find the current possibilities they have in financial terms.

To the webiste ▶

Helpful tips for children

So that the young and old at home do not go crazy, there is a site that also offers solutions for this.

To the webiste ▶
