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Corona-help > Short-time working money


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Explanatory video about short-time work compensation

Questions and answers

The short-time working allowance applies only to employees subject to social insurance contributions. A shareholder-managing director who is exempt from social insurance is not entitled to short-time work money.

No, there's no way. By the time the notice is given, it'll be too late for short-time money. So don't act rashly. Talk to your employees about short-time work as options and find a solution together. The goal is always to prevent dismissals. Even if an employee wants to quit his job himself out of panic, inform him about this option instead of giving notice.

If the employee has a certificate of incapacity to work (ABU), the reimbursement of continued salary payments by the health insurance company will take effect. Short-time work is then suspended during the illness.

Talk to your employee. Make it clear to him or her that you then see no other chance of keeping the job in this form. If your company's existence is threatened by inflexibility, you are obliged to point out termination as a last resort.

The notification of the loss of employment in the form of the corresponding application must definitely be submitted to the employment agency by the last day of the month. This can be done by post, fax or e-mail. Just to be on the safe side, make sure that you have a receipt to submit it on time.

The employee receives the holiday pay during the period of reduced working hours in full. This also applies on public holidays.

Employees in temporary employment - so-called temporary workers - can also work reduced hours and are therefore entitled to reduced hours compensation.



Settlement list

Form of the settlement list for the monthly settlement as an attachment to the refund

📥 Open Document

Arbeitsagentur - https://www.arbeitsagentur.de/

Application for short-time working allowance

Form for reimbursement of the short-time work allowance by the employment agency

📥 Open Document

Arbeitsagentur - https://www.arbeitsagentur.de/

Display of work loss

Form for applying for the short-time work allowance by reporting the loss of working hours

📥 Open Document

Arbeitsagentur - https://www.arbeitsagentur.de/

Helpful Links

Steuerberater Digital about short-time work

The modern tax consultancy Gostomzik provides valuable information about short-time work money on its website in a compact and understandable form. There you will also find constantly updated information.

To the webiste ▶

Employment Agency

You can find up-to-date information on short-time work on the Employment Agency's website. There you will also find information on many other topics such as unemployment benefit II for solo self-employed and freelancers and unemployment benefit I for employees who have been given notice.

To the webiste ▶

Video about short-time work compensation

Important information packed in an interview between a tax expert and a business expert

To the webiste ▶
